Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thank You!

I just wanted to tell everybody thank you for all your love and support through this difficult time, it means so much. I have been busy taking care of lots of paper work and trying to adjust to this new way of living. I am so thankful for my family and all the loving support that they give me. It is good to have spring time coming and being able to see the flowers blooming and hear the birds sing. Each day is a new challange and I have certainly learned a lot. I know that Heavenly Father loves us and that Ted is not far away. Thank you all again.


  1. I love seeing your tulips popping out of the ground, because every time I see them they remind me of the year you planted them and your funny Ted giving you a hard time for buying all of those bulbs! We love you!
    Melissa Leifson

  2. YOU ARE LOVED, by Heavenly Father and so many, many people you have influenced over the years. I told Tricia about a memory I had of Brother McArthur as a young girl. He'd often bring Good & Plenty candy to church when he was our Primary teacher. He'd say before class, "There is 'plenty' of candy for those who are being 'good'". I've never bought that kind of candy before. But after my family had been praying so mightily, my children were so sad when they learned that he'd passed away. I decided it may be helpful for me to help them feel a little connected with him. Even though he's a man they'd never met, were concerned, because of me. I bought several boxes of Good & Plenty candy. I pull it out and we munch on it a little when we need to be reminded that even when the trials of life are HARD, life is good and there are plenty of blessings. Yesterday my son got pushed down into the snow and punched by an older bully, I handled it like any mother bear would. But in the quiet moments that followed after the winds died down, I pulled out a box of "Brother McArthur candy" (as they've come to call it), and we were able to have a heart to heart, sweetened by not only the candy, but the perspective of your good husband who knew how to enjoy life, even when it gets hard. Sister McArthur, may you have PLENTY of GOOD in your life, and you are right, above all, YOU ARE LOVED!!! May the sun warm you and yours as spring sets in!
