Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'm sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to Salt Lake and i have to admit I'm scared to death. This will be the first time I've gone back since dad died 2 months ago. I'm so afraid to walk into the house like i always have and find him sitting in his chair watching he always did. I'm afraid to wake up on the couch where i always slept (even though there were plenty of empty beds) and hearing him say "Hey Bert! How about some waffs?" (short for waffles) He had such a funny way of abbreviating everything. I have a feeling that the reality of his death will finally hit me. I've done pretty well at holding myself together...or at least better than i thought i would. I'm nervous to go to the cemetery and most of all, afraid to break down in front of mom. In spite of the fear of all these things, i am so excited to see my family. I miss them terribly and feel so far away. I think this trip is going to pretty emotional but i'm counting on the happy to outweigh the sad.

I've adopted a new motto for myself and have gone so far as to write it on the inside of wrist every morning at work so i can see it all the time: ODAAT - One Day At A Time

Fingers crossed.


  1. Robbie I just wanted to let you how much I love you and am so glad to see you. You will do fine while you are here. Don't be afraid to break down in front of mom because we all do. I still feel weird going to moms and not having dad there so I understand how you feel. I have gone to the cemetery so many times and have lost it because in a way I feel that is the only place that I can go to express how I feel and to get it out. Remember that we are here for you and each other.
    Love ya

  2. by the way I love your motto and should adopt it too!!!!
